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Our Ministries

No matter your stage or season of life, we want you and your family to join us! Your family is always welcome here at Trinity Southern Baptist.

  • kids on the move

    The heart of children's ministry at our church is to teach kids about who God is and how His word applies to their lives in creative and memorable ways. Through engaging teaching, and supportive environments, we guide kids towards a better understanding of what it means to have a real relationship with God. We want kids to know that the Bible is full of interesting stories that matter in their lives today, that fun and games are definitely allowed at church, that worship can be full of loud music and silly dancing, and that there are adults in the church who truly want to love and lead them closer to Jesus. We have engaging Sunday School classes for all ages and an amazing Wednesday night ministry that continues to grow each week. We believe in our kids sitting through Sunday morning worship with their families to learn and be a part of our services from the beginning to the end. 

  • Youth on the move

    If you spend any time around our church at all, you'll quickly learn one thing: We love students and we invest in our students. We truly believe that the middle and high school students in our midst are world changers in the making. 

    That's why student ministry is such a huge part of what we do at our church. We want to guide our students in developing a personal faith in Christ as they step into their specific roles in the story He's writing with their lives. We work hard to create environments that engage students in good conversation about God, encouraging them to ask questions, search out answers, and truly learn to listen to His leading in their lives. 

  • Adults on the move

    Don't worry, all the good stuff at our church isn't just for the under 18 crowd! We have plenty of engaging events and gatherings designed to build the faith and community of our adults as well. Young or old, Christian or not, single or married, man or woman—we've got a place for you!

    From our concerts we have throughout the year, Wednesday night bible study, annual men's trips, women on the move bible study, Joy Club, and our engaging and growing Sunday school classes, we have something for everyone. 

  • outreach team

    The outreach team is the heart of our church. Our goal is to meet the needs of our community. From picking up trash, providing meals, helping local organizations, partnering with our school systems, engaging with our local city officials, to organizing and participating in "Serve week." 

    We believe that you're giving and service can create a ripple effect that can help not only change our community, but also make an impact on an even wider level. 

  • in-reach team

    Our in-reach team consists to serve and meet the needs of those inside of our church. As we continue to grow from a small church to a medium size church, the needs inside the church become even greater. 

    If you're part of our church and need food, help with transportation, prayer, hospital visit, or just some encouragement, our in-reach team is here to help. 

  • community movers

    As a “Do Something” church, we are dedicated to come alongside our community and find ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

    Community Movers is a team that helps with projects around our community to make it a better place to live. if you need something power washed, your lawn mowed, deck built, room painted, air filters changed, yard cleaned up, handicap ramp installed, or gutters cleaned; we have the resources to lend a helping hand!

  • safety team

    At Trinity, safety is a main priority. Our safety team, helps ensure the church provides the safest possible environment for children and adults attending and serving during weekly services and special events.

    Incidents are confronted and addressed in an effective manner that minimizes disruption and harm to persons or property.

    We want you to feel safe when you walk through our doors. 

  • City adoption

    On October 30th 2021, We officially adopted the city of Falmouth, KY as our mission field. 

    The “official” adoption is further confirmation of how much the church wants to show the love of Jesus to our neighbors. We want to be difference-makers for a city trying to remake itself. 

    The adoption ceremony was complete with a proclamation from the city which has battled a declining population, high poverty and troubling drug abuse. But hope is around the corner as we take what we know from the teachings of Jesus and use it to serve our community.