We are deeply grateful for your interest in learning more about our Project OTM (ON THE MOVE). Your support and involvement are invaluable to us. 

Our church is experiencing growth, and we need more space to accommodate our current members and the community. Our Fellowship Hall has limited space, and as our ministries expand, we struggle to find adequate space to support them. Our Kid and Student Ministries, Outreach ministry, Sunday School Classes, VBS, weekly church attendance, and our vision for a disaster relief ministry are all growing, and we need more space to accommodate these ministries.

To address these challenges, we have launched Project OTM. On June 30th, our church voted to start looking for properties in and around Falmouth that meet our needs. In the meantime, we aim to raise $100,000 by the end of the year to acquire a property quickly when the opportunity arises.

We firmly believe that Project OTM will not only meet our immediate needs but also have a transformative impact on our community. It will enhance Trinity Southern Baptist Church's ministry and serve as a beacon of hope for the community. Stay tuned for more information!